Rita Magalhães participated in the “Algorithms in Structural Bioinformatics: Machine Learning Methods to Analyze and Predict Protein Structure, Dynamics and Function” Winter School. This international school took place in Marseille, France, between November 7th and 12th, 2021.
The school brought together researchers from all over the world from different fields (computer science, mathematics, biochemistry, physics) with an interest in Structural Bioinformatics. The week-long lectures provided an algorithmic view of novel bioinformatics approaches, through theoretical lessons and hands-on practical courses.
Some of the lecturers were Bettina Keller and Cecilia Clementi (Freie Universitat Berlin), with a lecture on “Learning models of complex dynamics from simulation data”; Tony Lelièvre and Gabriel Stoltz (Ecole des Ponts and Inria Paris), who focused on “Constructing collective variables using Machine Learning and Free Energy biased simulations”; Serfey Ovchinnikov (Harvard University), with a lecture on “Unified framework for understanding and evaluating generative sequence models”; Martin Weit (Sorbonne Université), spoke of “Wandering through sequence space: data-driven landscapes and protein evolution”; Sergei Grudinin (LJK-CNRS, Grenoble) and Elodie Laine (Sorbonne Université) closed the week with a lecture on “Machine Leaning in the post CASP14 era: from protein structure to protein interactions”.