If you have an interest in working in the group, please get in touch by emailing us at sergiofsousa[at]med.up.pt


New Position Available

We are Hiring – Post-Doc Opportunity at BioSIM

Join our team! We are looking for a highly motivated post-doc researcher with a strong background in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery and Molecular Dynamics Simulations and with experience in developing and optimizing pipeline workflows for integrating different computational methods in drug discovery projects.

Applications open until 20/02/2023. For more information contact Sérgio F. Sousa.

Please see the original jobs posting for more details and for applying:


Looking for Prospective PhD Students

We are seeking a highly motivated person with a committed personality for a individual application to the FCT Fellowships PhD Research call (Concurso para atribuição de bolsas de investigação para doutoramento em todos os domínios científicos 2023)

We are looking for candidates interested in pursuing a PhD in computational biochemistry, molecular modelling or computational drug discovery in Portugal at out research lab (www.biosim.pt). 

The selected candidate must have an M.Sc. in the following disciplines/areas of study: Biochemistry, Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Computational biology, Biological engineering or related areas.

For more information contact [email protected]

Please refer to our recent publications and news to get an initial idea of the main lines of research and research topics under development at BioSIM.

PhD and Postdoc Positions

Even in the absence of available vacancies, we are always happy to discuss potential positions with outstanding candidates who are interested in co-applying for PhD or Postdoc fellowships to join the group.

Adequate communication skills in English, as well as marked enthusiasm for research and creativity, are mandatory.


BSc and MSc Projects available

We always have BSc and MSc projects available in the group. Contact us if you are interested in projects involving computational methods on biological systems.