PhD Student
Tatiana F. Vieira is a PhD student of the Biomedicine PhD program (Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto), following an M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry (UMinho) and a B.Sc. in Biochemistry (University of Madeira).
Her PhD project is being developed at BioSIM under the supervision of Sérgio F. Sousa and the co-supervision of Manuel Simões (FEUP/LEPABE) and involves the use of docking methods for the development of new anti-biofilm drugs. Her goal is to use tailored scoring functions and virtual screening protocols, to identify a selection of promising new compounds, test them experimentally and confirm their inhibitory activity.
Main Publications:
A Flow Cytometric and Computational Approaches to Carbapenems Affinity to the Different Types of Carbapenemases
Pina-Vaz, C., Silva, P., Faria-Ramos, I., Teixeira-Santos, R., Moura, D., Vieira, T., Sousa, S., Costa-de-Oliveira, S., Cantón, R., Rodrigues, A.,
Frontiers in Microbiology, 7, (2016)
Full List of Publications:
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