ORCID: 0000-0001-7884-6768 

MSc Student

Isabelly Annunciato is a Brazilian biologist, member of BIOMOLPEP (Protein-drug interaction laboratory) research group, and MSc student at the Institute of Biosciences, Paulista State University, Brazil.

Annunciato’s work involves biochemical, bioinformatic, and histological assays that seek to explain the mechanism of interaction between nitrosamines, a potentially carcinogenic contaminant, and its action on specific enzymes and hepatotoxicity. Annunciato’s project is entitled “Evaluation of acute hepatic toxicity and inflammation induced by nitrosamines in Mus musculus and Danio rerio” and is developed under the supervision of Dr. Marcos H. Toyama (BIOMOLPEP – UNESP IB/clp) and co-supervised by Dr. Sérgio F. Sousa (BioSIM – FMUP).