BioSIM Welcomes New PhD Student, João Gonçalves
BioSIM welcomes a new visiting PhD student, João N. D. Gonçalves, from the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Programme from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS-UP). João has a MSc …
BioSIM welcomes a new visiting PhD student, João N. D. Gonçalves, from the Biomedical Sciences Doctoral Programme from the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICBAS-UP). João has a MSc …
BioSIM welcomes a new PhD Student, Mariana Ferreira de Sousa. Mariana will develop her PhD studies at FEUP, with the supervision of Prof. Manuel Simões (FEUP) and the co-supervision of …
BioSIM welcomes a new PhD Student Airam Roggero from Brazil. She will develop her PhD studies at BioSIM, with the supervision of Sérgio F. Sousa and the co-supervision of Prof. …
João Pedro Boazinha will develop his PhD studies at BioSIM, with the supervision of Sérgio F. Sousa in collaboration with BIAL (Co-supervisor Nuno Cerqueira) and CIIMAR (co-supervisor João Carneiro). He …
BioSIM welcomes a new PhD Student, Duangnapa Kiriwan from Thailand. She will develop her PhD studies at BioSIM, with the supervision of Sérgio F. Sousa. She is a PhD student …
Many Congratulations to our New 4 Ph.D. Students Airam Roggero, João Boazinha, Mariana Sousa, and João Silva who were awarded funding from FCT to pursue their studies at BioSIM for the next four years under the supervision or …
BioSIM welcomes professor José Manuel Granadino Roldán, from the Universidad de Jean, Spain, for a mobility period at BioSIM, with the scope of the ERASMUS+ program. Prof. José Manuel Granadino …
BioSIM welcomes a new M. Sc. Student, Tiago Oliveira from the M.Sc in Biochemistry in Health (ESS-IPP).His project will be supervised by Sérgio F. Sousa (FMUP/BioSIM). Tiago’s project will focus …
BioSIM welcomes a new visiting PhD student, Andreia Machado Brito-da-Costa, from the PhD Program in Biomedical Sciences from the University Institute of Health Sciences (IUCS), CESPU (Portugal). Andreia has a …
BioSIM welcomes a new M. Sc. Student, Renato Soares, from the M.Sc in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (FCUP). His highly interdisciplinary project will be supervised by João Carneiro (CIIMAR), with the co-supervision of Sérgio F. Sousa …