5 PhD students working at BioSIM – Tatiana F. Vieira, Fábio Martins, Carlos Shiraishi, Cláudia Novais and Sofia Sousa – participated on the 1st 3D-Bioinfo-PT intermediate workshop which took place on 19 and 20 of December 2022 at ITQB (Nova), Oeiras.
This hands-on workshop is part of the continued effort of the 3D-Bioinfo-PT community (from which BioSIM is part) and Biodata to promote the training on biomolecular simulation techniques by young researchers in Portugal and was aimed at researchers starting in the field of computational biology and those wishing to expand their technical skills in that direction.
This particular workshop covered the Machine Learning, Membrane Atomistic and Coarse-grain Molecular Dynamics. 3D Protein Structure Building using Comparative Modeling / Alphafold,
Compound Databases and Computational Virtual Screenings and counted with 30 participants.