BioSIM Awarded 1.5 million hours of HPC

Very happy to share that BioSIM was awarded 2 HPC projects in the FCT Call for Advanced Computing Projects (2nd edition), representing close to 1.5 million CPU hours.

One of the Projects will focus on the in silico optimization of our recently experimentally validated drug leads against SARS-CoV-2 and in the study of the mechanism of action against new emerging variants.

Optimization of Validated SARS-CoV-2 Antivirals against the New Emerging Variants
PI: Sérgio F. Sousa
Co-PI: Henrique S. Fernandes
Grade: 9.16 (100% funding, Rank 2 in the Area of Chemistry and Materials).

The other project will be developed in collaboration with João Carneiro (CIIMAR) and will focus on the application of large-scale molecular dynamics simulations to understand non-beta mitochondrial DNA conformations.

Understanding non-B mtDNA conformations using molecular dynamics simulations
PI: João Carneiro (CIIMAR)
Co-PI: André Pina
Grade: 8.86 (75% funding, Rank 3 in the Area of Life and Health Sciences).

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