BioSIM PhD Student presented a work in the 1st FEBS Advanced Practical and Lecture Course on Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis

Juliana F. Rocha participated in the first edition of the FEBS Advanced Practical and Lecture Course on Computational Approaches to Understanding and Engineering Enzyme Catalysis. This international Course was held in Oulu, Finland and took place online between October 19th and 22nd, 2021.

Juliana presented an oral flash communication on the unraveling the catalytic mechanism of threonine aldolase and its application as a biocatalyst.

This international event, organized by the Federation of European Biochemical Societies ( and aligned with the activities of 3D-BioInfo ELIXIR Community and the Biocenter Oulu Structural Biology core facility. It has brought together computational and (bio)chemistry experts. The course addresses and disseminates recent advances in techniques that facilitate the development of new taylor-made biocatalysts, which is of great interest for potential applications in biotechnology, biomedicine and industrial processes.

The list of speakers included Prof. Jiri Damborsky (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Prof. Sarel-Jacob Fleishman (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel), James Fraser (UCSF, USA), Prof. Gerrit Groenhof (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Prof. Birte Höcker (Bayreuth University, Germany), Prof. Aleksandra Maršavelski (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Prof. Adrian Mulholland (University of Bristol, UK), Prof. Silvia Osuna (Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi, Spain), Prof. Reinhard Sterner (University of Regensburg, Germany), Prof. Kristiina Mäkinen (University of Helsinki, Finland), Prof. Mikael Widersten (BMC, Sweden) and Prof. Rossana Zaru (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK).

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