Fabio Martins, Jorge Cunha, Maria Araújo and Rodrigo Andrade presented the work they are developing at BioSIM in the Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto (IJUP2021) (https://ijup.up.pt/2021/). This event took place online between May 5th and 7th 2021.
Fábio Martins delivered and oral communication presenting the results obtained during his M.Sc. thesis, conducted in 2019/2020, on the development of computational strategies against biofilm inhibition through quorum-sensing.
Jorge Cunha, Maria Araújo and Rodrigo Andrade presented e-posters on their ongoing M.Sc. theses work in the fields of biocatalysts development, insecticide target characterization and antipsychotic drug development.