Rita Magalhães was awarded the “best oral communication” prize at the Virtual EUGLOH Annual Students Research Conference, in the “Global health: miscellaneous challenges II” session.
This conference on “Global Health Challenges: Diseases of Modern Life” was organized by the University of Szeged, Hungary, between September 28th and 30th, in the scope of the European University Alliance for Global Health program involving the Lund University (Sweden), Université Paris-Saclay (France), University of Szeged (Hungary), University of Porto (Portugal) and Ludwig-Maximilian Universität of Munich (Germany).
Rita Magalhães presented an oral communication entitled “Large Database Screening for the Identification of New Drugs Against Biofilm Formation in P.aeruginosa: a Computational Approach “, in the panel “, illustrating some of BioSIM’s efforts in this field.