Sérgio F. Sousa represented BioSIM at the MuTaLig COST Action Meeting in Izmir, Turkey

Sérgio F. Sousa represented BioSIM at the MuTaLig COST Action (CA15135) Meeting that took place at the Ege University, in Izmir, Turkey between March 4 and 6th. Sérgio F. Sousa presented  an oral communication entitled “Lead to Target: A Computational Approach to Identify Possible Protein Targets of Molecules  with Known Experimental Biological Activity “, illustrating some of the group’s efforts in this field

The MuTaLig COST action name stems from the “Multi-target paradigm for innovative ligand identification in the drug discovery process.  ” The aim of this COST Action is to join highly-qualified research teams working in disciplines around the field of medicinal chemistry, into a novel network devoted to the multi-target issue in drug discovery. The choice of this theme is related to its marked multidisciplinary character, which can ensure a strong interaction among all COST Action participants. Currently, an important and emerging issue in modern drug discovery is to design novel or identify existing bioactive compounds, endowed with the capability to interact selectively with two or more macromolecular targets, exerting their effects against certain therapeutic goals in a synergic fashion. This leading concept stimulated this COST Action focusing on novel ligands able to recognize selected multiple targets, to promote closer scientific links among European research groups involved in the medicinal chemistry field at both academic and industrial levels.

The research competencies of the network span around medicinal chemistry, from synthetic chemistry, natural products and biophysics to theoretical chemistry, molecular modeling and biological screening.

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