Four researchers from the BioSIM research group were at “XXV Encontrolo Galexo-Português de Química“, in Santiago de Compostela – Spain, presenting their projects during the 20-22th of November.
Andreia Veloso, a PhD student, make an oral communication about her work entitled “The intrinsic redox ability of Electrogenerated Hydrophilic Carbon Nanomaterials”.
Carla S. S. Teixeira presented a task of her PhD project, entitled “Application of QM/MM Methods in the study of the reactivity of the enzyme Tryptophan Synthase”.
Henrique S. Fernandes (PhD student) made an oral communication explaining how molUP plugin can be useful to conduct computational QM/MM studies of enzymatic mechanisms – “molUP: How to start a computational QM/MM study of an enzyme?”
Rita Magalhães, an MSc researcher, presented a poster about her recent work devoted to the investigation of inhibitors of biofilms formation – “Optimization of an in silico Virtual Screening Protocol for the Identification of Biofilm Formation Inhibitors in LasR”